What we do

NRFC started out as a conference, a space to dream, to re-think and to share practical experiences of regenerative and socially just ways to farm and bring food to markets and kitchen tables. 

Today, we form a collaboration of people and organisations working together towards a shared vision of food system transformation, as outlined in our Manifesto and strategic themes. 

We focus specifically on the North of England and its unique landscapes and cultures and our work is centred on the coordination of collaborative projects which take action around the six key action areas that we have identified as crucial for shifting towards more resilient farming systems in the North. 

We recognise that the vision of change that we have identified is ambitious and will take time, and that genuine collaboration is the only way to achieve a transition of this nature – this is why we come together as a collective to do the work that we do. Our strategy and goals are co-owned by our partner organisations and the wider Northern networks and our approach to working together is characterised by:

  • Taking a long term, big picture view of the changes needed in food and farming
  • Collaboration, not competing agendas 
  • Celebrating and promoting diversity in all its forms
  • Nurturing the agency of local communities and putting their needs at the centre of decisions made about food and farming systems